Tokyo Festival of Modular 2019 第7回モジュラーフェスティバル東京 開催
The international modular synthesizewr festival with developers, makers, shops and performing artists.
2019年11月16日(土)、17日(日)の2日間、今年で7年目を迎えるモジュラーシンセサイザーの祭典『Tokyo Festival of Modular(以下TFoM)2019』が、東京・渋谷のスタジオ「Mission」、クラブ「Contact」を会場に開催。
The 7th edition of Tokyo Festival of Modular will be held at Studio Mission and Club Contact, Tokyo, on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th November 2019.
The modern modular synthesiser is an evolution of the big old modular systems. It is a deep instrument that allows the creation of complex functions and original sounds by connecting various modules with cables and then controlling them in realtime.
With a wide variety of different modules developed for specific functions, it has become the instruments of choice for many musicians and sound designers. Each customised system can create unique sounds which would be difficult or impossible to recreate on regular keyboard synthesisers.
今年の『TFoM2019』は、世界各国から50以上ものモジュラーシンセメーカー、ショップなどが東京、渋谷に一堂に集い、機器の展示、デモ、レクチャー、ライブ演奏が「Studio Mission」と同じビル内のクラブ「Contact」にて行なわれる。
TFoM2019 will be held in Studio Mission and Club Contact in Shibuya, Tokyo. Over 50 modular synth developers, makers, and shops will come together for exhibition, demonstration, and lectures, plus live events with over 30 modular artists.
you can experienced the latest electronic instruments and devices also we will have begginer booth with patchbooks and our TFoM team ready to help you.
ライブのラインナップも豪華だ。Contactのフロア「Studio X」「Contact」「Foyer」で、国内外から招聘した個性豊かなアーティストが、モジュラーシンセを駆使したライブを披露する。
今年の『TFoM』のコンセプトは、”Within and Beyond”。注目すべきは、LAミニマルシーンの立役者であり、フロアを埋め尽くす激しいダンストラックからアンビエント、先鋭的なプロジェクトまで様々なスタイルと名義で活躍している
カリフォルニアの鬼才 Drumcell / Hypoxia。Drumcell、Hypoxiaや、Belief Defect (Raster)での活動でも知られる彼の日本初となるモジュラーシンセによるライブを披露。
また、電子音楽機器の紹介やクリエイター達へのインタビューをおこなうTRASH AUDIOの中心人物でもあり、キュレーターなども務める電子音楽家/サウンドデザイナー Surachaiが初来日し、 A/V Liveを行う。
オランダのユトレヒトでチェロとモジュラーシンセサイザーによる実験的なアプローチと作品でも知られるMaarten Vosも初来日となる。
All 3 rooms at Club Contact – “Studio X”, “Contact”, and “Foyer” – will provide a great live lineup made of unique artists, invited from both Japan and abroad, to perform a diverse range of music on their individual modular systems.
The concept of “TFoM” this year is “Within and Beyond”.
Drumcell / Hypoxia is a notable Californian musician who is a leading player in the LA minimal scene, known for his activities at Belief Defect (Raster). He is active across a variety of styles, from intense dance tracks that fill the floor to ambient and cutting-edge projects. Drumcell will play at TFoM as “Hypoxia” for his first modular synthesiser live show in Japan.
Surachai is an electronic musician and sound designer who is the central figure of TRASH AUDIO. Coming to Japan for the forst time, he will show us his mix of modular sampling and sound mangling as he performs his intense audiovisual live set.
Maarten Vos, part of an exciting movement of artists from his hometown in Utrecht, Holland, is known as much for his outlier, exploratory approach to the cello as his experimental ambient work with modular synthesisers.
In addition we will be hosting a special night of live performances directly from overseas modular synth designers.
Kabuki, from Germany, will shake the floor with an updated performance after his crowd-pleasing TFoM debut last year.
In addition we will be hosting a special night of live performances directly from overseas modular synth designers.
As at TFoM2018 we will have lectures and demonstrations with artists and makers, so if you have any questions related to using modular gear you can ask directly!
We will have interviews with Surachai and Doravideo about their approach to live performances, as well as presentations and product news with some of the makers.
Only at TFoM2019 you will find 2 full days of hands-on exhibition, lecture programme, and live performances, all centred around modular synthesisers!
Who is TFoM for? People who have never listened to modular synth music, as well those who are already interested in it. People who want to play with electronic sounds with a physical hands-on experience. People who are interested in wall-like equipment, colourful patch cables, blinking lights, knobs and switches. Anyone who wants to explore and make new expressions in sound…
『Tokyo Festival of Modular 2019』
<エキシビジョン/ブース展示 & レクチャー, Interview>
Studio Mission
東京都渋谷区道玄坂2-10-12 新大宗ビル4号館 7F