A solo project by Tokyo-based trackmaker/singer-songwriter Yota Mori.

In 2015, he self-released his home-recorded album “Inner” on his Bandcamp.

The album received high acclaim both in Japan and abroad, and subsequent releases have been on labels such as Fat Cat Records and 3P3B.Ltd.

In 2021 and 2022, they performed as a band set at one of Japan’s largest festivals, FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL.

They attracted the audience with their rich musicality and high level of expression.

His live performance style is not only as a band set, but also as a solo set using modular synths, and he performs on a wide range of stages, both in live houses and club scenes.


東京を拠点に活動するトラックメイカー/シンガーソングライター Yota Moriによるソロプロジェクト。


国内外で高い評価を受け、その後Fat Cat Recordsや3P3B.Ltdなどのレーベルからリリースを行う。

2021年、2022年には日本最大級のフェス「FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL」にバンドセットとして出演。








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