Yuichiro Kotani & Atsushi Asada

All Day I Dream、Armada、King Street、Kitballなど、世界中のレーベルから楽曲をリリースしてきた2人。2020年、それまでのDAWやアナログ・シンセサイザーに加え、モジュラー・シンセサイザーを音楽制作に取り入れ始めたことにより2人の活動範囲はスタジオからステージへと広がりを見せることになる。

アーティストとしての彼らの音楽は、まず海外のアンダーグラウンドな音楽愛好家に発見され、そこから徐々に日本に逆輸入されていった。特にAll Day I Dreamが牽引するOrganic Houseが日本でも認知されるようになると、2020年以降Yuichiroのもとには拠点とする東京だけでなく、日本全国からオファーが届くようになる。全国のクラブや野外パーティーでライブ、DJ共にフロアメイクを経験する中、自身の理想とするライブセットを実現するため、長年の盟友であるAtsushiと2022年よりデュオとしてのコラボレーションを開始した。


Each of the two has released music as an artist/producer on respected labels internationally, including All Day I Dream, Armada, King Street, and Kitball. In 2020, they began incorporating modular synthesizers into their music production, in addition to their previous focus on DAWs and analog synthesizers. This expanded the scope of their activities from the studio to the stage.

Their music as artists was first discovered by underground music lovers around the world, and from there it was gradually reimported to Japan. As the organic house music led by ADID in particular gained recognition in Japan, Yuichiro began to receive offers not only from his previous base in Tokyo, but also from all over Japan from 2020 onward. While experiencing the floor making of clubs and outdoor parties all over Japan for both live sets and DJs, he began collaborating with his longtime friend Atsushi on live sets in 2022 in order to realize his own ideal live sets.

Since then, they have gigged at some of Japan’s leading clubs, including Womb in Tokyo, Metro in Kyoto, and MAGO in Nagoya, and in October 2023, they performed in Europe for the first time, captivating the deep music lovers in both Amsterdam and Belgrade. They try to make the audience feel a strong “now” by combining two things: to involve the audience in a detailed story created by their proficient production skills, and to transform the space in which they and the audience exist into music in the form of improvisation. As a result, audiences who have attended their gigs say that it is as if they are experiencing a movie made of sound as the protagonist.



